Thursday 14 May 2020

Experiment 2: The Bridge_Final Submission.

The Theory: Sustainability through Multi-functionality.


The Custom Textures:







The Perspective Sketches:

The Axonometric + Two-Point Perspective Animations:

Two-Point Perspective


The Process.

The Context:

The project brief was to create a School of Architecture that bridges some of the existing buildings within the urban infrastructure of  the lower UNSW Kensington campus, with the Squarehouse as an integrated building within the school.

My final building choices were the Roundhouse and the Squarehouse. This choice strengthens the multi-functionality of my school; It becomes a place in which students can easily transition between education and relaxation.

The Massing Elements:

The use of this exercise allowed me to explore how my spaces might interact with each other. After multiple revisions, I produced a system where modules were interconnected by multiple layers of pathways that also serve as common areas. This schematic reflects the idea of multi-functionality as a necessary pathway to sustainability. By creating this interconnected school above the Squarehouse and Roundhouse, I would be able to combine activities of study and rest within the same urban environment.

Precedence and Form:

The week 2 exercise allowed me to create some interesting forms from the parameters of my precedent plan:
Mies Van Der Rohe - Skyscraper
Some of the key elements noted from this plan include:
- triangular shape
- central design  -> pillar + wings
- prong design, sharp, linear
- maximising building perimeter
- indentations separate wings into smaller sections

From this, I developed the following section and plan:

Applying indentations to create spaces.

The plan utilises an increased plan perimeter to increase exposure to sunlight.
Whilst these are not indicative of my final design, I have incorporated elements of both the section and plan within the school's architectural form.

The Final Design.

The Applied Textures:

These texture were chosen to emphasise circulation paths within the school.



The Moving Elements:

Contracting sun roofs ("wings") provide a sense of shelter, and helps control sun exposure at different times of the day. This allows spaces to be adapted to different purposes, which leads to a sustainable multi-functional design.

Rotating "fins" control visibility of the interior from the exterior, and the exterior from the interior. This effectively creates a privacy shield, which allows the school to express an open or closed nature.

The Architecture:

Main Features:
- Four Wings.
- Rotating Fins.
- Symmetrical, central design.
- Four sub-buildings (modules) that house most of the functional spaces.
- Increased plan perimeter through concave design.
- Central courtyard.
- Three different levels, connected to the modules at different sections.
- Bridges the Squarehouse and the Roundhouse.

Symmetry and Central Orientation:

Inspired by Van Der Rohe's Skyscraper, the School adapts a central design, with the tree being the centre-point of the plan. The east and west modules appear identical from a top-down view, and the north and south modules are symmetrical across the north-south axis. The similar proportions of the North/South and East/West modules also highlight the symmetry of the design.  In strengthening the two cardinal axes, The School creates balance, and emphasises the main courtyard as its central hub for connection and function.

Top View

North Perspective

South Perspective

West Perspective

East perspective.

 *note that the tree is visible from almost all perspectives along the two major axes.


A critical aspect of my design is how it integrates into the existing urban environment. I've assimilated the top floor of the Squarehouse into the western module of the school, and the Roundhouse is directly connected to the eastern module. By using existing circulation paths in the Squarehouse and Roundhouse as entries to the school, the architecture reduces its construction cost, and therefore its environmental footprint.

The School and The Squarehouse.

The School and The Roundhouse.

The School from the first floor balcony of The Squarehouse.


The school bridges the Squarehouse and Roundhouse with walkways that exist on its three main levels. By embedding common areas within the three levels, the design effectively demonstrates architecture that bridges, rather than architecture with bridges. This sharing of function within a space demonstrates how sustainable architecture can be achieved through multi-functionality.

The Lower Floor: connects the circular walkway of the Roundhouse with the balcony on the first floor of the Squarehouse.

The Upper Floor: shows a pathway that creates a circulation path that spans the perimeter of all four modules of the School.

The Middle Floor: the central courtyard is the transitioning space for students moving towards different modules or floors.

The Middle Floor: the central courtyard also serves as a common area to relax and wind down.

The Upper Floor: shows connection between upper and middle floor. it also shows small grass areas for seating.

Texture and Movement:

The applied textures convey the intended circulation paths within the school. By using the textures sparingly, The school creates crisp contrasts between the pathways and the modules.

Note that the  "linear" texture reverses at the centre of the module. This indicates that this is a destination point, and a critical space within the School.

The "rotational' texture lightly accentuates the main courtyard as the centre of the School.

Velocity texture is applied on the "fins": Creates a sense of downward movement, represents rapid enclosing of space.




file name: #BENJAMIN JING #ARCH1101 #EXP2THEBRIDGE #2020

 (if it doesnt come up try searching BENJAMIN JING)

Monday 20 April 2020

Mies Van Der Rohe: Skyscraper

design features:
- triangular shape
- centred design  -> pillar + wings
-prong design, sharp, linear
- maximising building periometer
-indentations separate wings into smaller sections
- pathways: -divide wings
- symmetrical design for efficiency. workspace -> equality?
- garden  surrounding pillar -> connecting the common space with nature.

Sunday 19 April 2020


Self-Tutorial Week

Sketchup Model



note: the indentations found in v1 will be respectively added to v2

Textures: (so far)

some possible words for movement textures:

- erratic
- graceful
- fluid/flow
- accelerated/velocity